D.H. Lamina manufactures plastic components through CNC machining, paying attention to the full compliance with the regulations concerning the food industry defined by the EU and the FDA. It can provide EU 10/2011, FDA and EC 2023/2006 certified items and has an ISO 9001:2015 quality management system.
The components manufactured are suitable for many applications. Firstly, the confectionery industry, for pasteurizing and blending; than that of pasta and bakery products, for dough sheeting and molding. Even fish, meat, fruit and vegetables treatment machines benefit from these components.
Plastic materials generally have a good balance of mechanical, tribological and chemical properties, next to high chemical resistance when it comes to resist to organic acids and wear over time.
The materials are certified, following a completely safety process guaranteed by the company’s good manufacturing practices. Furthermore, the company has created a system which allows full traceability, ad hoc storage, and identification of food-grade components.