Weighing machines for baked goods


hayssenHayssen Flexible Systems supplies a variety of weighing and packaging machines suitable for customers that produce bakery products. The range includes the – quick and precise – multi-head weighers of Simionato. The RCW Simweight Gate weigher, for instance, has been designed to satisfy the needs of the largest possible range of products, minimising set-up times. Light or heavy, small or big, all products are handled with utmost accuracy. All models are based on the same modular concept to respond to specific needs, and are available with 8, 10, 14, or 16 heads. The user-friendly HMI/Panel PC allows managing the machine in a quick and efficient way by use of clear and intuitive commands. Tool-less removal of all product contact parts allows easy and efficient cleaning. Available with IP66 protection standard, the weighers are equipped with the patented innovative Radial Feeding System TRF, which automatically detects component in the feeder, allowing the management of fragile and light products along with large and heavy products with the same accuracy. The unit can be coupled with other packaging machines.

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