Logistics is renewed

Endless possibilities of surface finishes and different types of external claddings characterize Lyto’s warehouses

For Lyto’s, the market of food & beverage has always been one of the most important areas where technological innovations can be tested and achieved

 The large volumes of storage required, the high flows to manage, the high flexibility to reach, are only some of the demands that companies operating in the food and beverage industry are faced with on a daily basis. To cope with these needs, many companies have resorted to automated logistics, where automatic warehouses like those designed by Lyto’s occupy an important place.

Lyto’s always addresses these issues, “and in its more than 50 years of life has solved all the problems that were placed, debuted Paolo Bertocco, sales manager. “With a touch of pride I can say that there is no food or drink that somewhere in the world is not stored on an automatic warehouse built by us”.

Welded and not bolted, with undrilled uprights: Lyto’s structures are very resistant

Automated Warehouses for food & beverage

Bread and derivatives, flours, pasta, pizza, sauces, meat, fruit, sweets, coffee, but also wine, mineral water, beer, fruit juices, milk and liqueurs, without neglecting the warehouses for frozen food: As you can well understand Lyto’s racks support “the entire Mediterranean diet and beyond”. But it is not as straightforward as you might think, urges Bertocco.

“Each product has its own characteristics, its needs, which invariably lead to solutions that can sometimes be very different. If we then add the peculiarities of the country where the work is to be achieved, we logically deploy other variables which generate other possible solutions”. Over 50 years of presence on the market make half a century of a very heterogeneous experience.

“All the acquired know-how, the knowledge of the sector, and the ability to operate in countries that for cultural heritage or infrastructure can sometimes be very different from each other, make Lyto’s the ideal partner for the development and implementation of an automatic warehouse”, Bertocco continues. “Because we propose a wide range of layouts that perfectly meet the required flows and structural solutions that guarantee the highest possible resistance, with the possibility of different finishes in different colors (inclusive) and countless aesthetic solutions in terms of the outer covers of self-supporting warehouses.

The self-supporting warehouses are available with different types of outer claddings

Structures withstanding loads and stresses

Lyto’s structures are welded and not bolted, with undrilled uprights, thus providing the highest resistance section. Most sections are pre-assembled during the production cycle. Properties that enable them to withstand loads/stresses. Countries such as California, Mexico, Chile or certain Italian regions, where the seismic parameters are at the highest levels, for instance, represent structural challenges not simple to solve.

“Our systems are fully operating in all these countries, and most of them have already passed several ‘natural’ tests”, explains Bertocco. Different solutions are available for external covers, even with a high aesthetic value. In the case of self-supporting warehouses, Lyto’s is able to manage even the complete covering of the warehouse thanks to a variety of colors and different finishes and weather resistance.

Other issues to consider are the type of insulation, in accordance with conditions that must be preserved inside, and the degree of impermeability required, especially in the case of water-tight warehouses, and then there are the accessories of the cladding. A long list of critical issues that Lyto’s has faced and solved in its many achievements around the world. As anticipated, “a very important factor to consider is the country in which we must realize the warehouse”, explains Bertocco.

“Regulations, laws, bureaucratic aspects, at times very different, can influence the construction site and lengthen the time necessary for the project. This is why Lyto’s organization chart is prepared to respond to various needs which the company has to face from time to time. United States (with different situations between State and State), Latin America, Middle East and India and still farther east: We have built our warehouses in all these areas, facing the most different burocratic, regulatory and safety issues involved”.

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