Integrated lines for crackers and laminated biscuits


Laser produces complete lines for the production of crackers and laminated biscuits.

Each line is characterized by the following processing steps: Preparation of the dough; fermentation or stasis (in the case of some crackers or semi-hard biscuits); formation of the dough; its sheeting with reduction of the thickness of the final sheet; cutting; baking and cooling before packaging.

Salty crackers have a much more aerated and crispy structure than the classic dry biscuits, and have a longer and more complex fermentation phase. The lamination phase is crucial: from a coarse sheet created by a 3 or 4-roll extruder, a continuous sheet of dough, even a few tenths of a millimetre thick, is obtained through continuous calibration. It is here that the weight of the biscuit is decided and very high precision is indispensable in order to obtain constant and equal products.

Sophisticated electronic control systems analyze and correct the density of the dough to form the sheet, and then automatically adjust the speed of gauge rolls and the belts. A badly laid or non-constant sheet will give a remarkable product diversity after baking. This technology allows to sheet up to 20 layers of dough.