Glass Milk Bottles Labelling


Cowless milc, a Dutch Company specialising in the production of plant-based milk, has built an ecologically responsible system to produce plant-based milk by planting cashew trees at farms.

To produce this milk, a completely new production line was assembled, and for the labelling of glass bottles the Company installed a customised Etipack System 5 from the Dutch subsidiary of Etipack. After an intense process of design, both adhesives for the label and line specifications, the new system consisting of several modules for the application of adhesive labels was installed.

At the input of the system, the bottles are spaced by means of two DRP side belts. A seal label is placed on top of the cap, which is then pushed on the side of the bottle with a pneumatic roller.

This guarantees the daily fresh quality of the milk. When the seal has been applied, the bottle is clamped between an upper belt and the conveyor belt. Two Strong 200 label dispensers, apply one front and one back label. The label on the back is first marked with lot number and production date.

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