Gulfood Manufacturing 2024


    In 2024, Gulfood Manufacturing proudly marks a decade since opening its doors, whilst growing into a pivotal platform for the F&B manufacturing industry.

    The story extends far beyond this milestone. Expect to see ground-breaking innovations in ingredients from food biofortification to AI driven ingredients, showcasing the latest industry advancements from nanotechnology in packaging to Industry 5.0, gain insights and visionary strategies from global experts on risk and tech investment, and drive business growth to achieve competitive advantage in the industry.

    This year, Gulfood Manufacturing returns bigger than ever with a powerful presence of over 2,500+ global companies spanning 72 countries across 19 halls. We invite you to be part of our landmark 10th anniversary edition, taking place from 5 – 7 November 2024 at the Dubai World Trade Centre. Don’t miss your chance to be a part of this milestone celebration and extend the legacy of this industry-leading event.