Sterilizers, fillers, palletizers & depalletizers


CFT is among the world market leaders present to previous editions of ANUGA FOOD TEC. Even in 2018 the Company won’t miss the opportunity to introduce to the world its newborn Milk & Dairy Division, with particular focus on the jewel in the crown of its Spray Dryers: the Apollo MVR Evaporator, able to obtain more than the 50% of milk concentration in a very short time slot with one plant only.

Another focus is placed on the sterilizer Stematic Long Run (picture) with direct steam injection, ideal for UHT treatment of foodstuffs to be aseptically filled.  The Group will introduce also all its latest technological innovations in the field of food packaging and end-of-line equipment.

In particular Weightech, an automatic filler by weight, with new electronic functions, designed for edible oil, and custom-tailored palletizing and depalletizing solutions for the edible & lube oil sectors. The range of end-of-line palletizers/depalletizers includes units for drums, bins and cartons, next to pal/depal systems and specific robots for plastic containers in different sizes.

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