Sarchio-Tecno Pack, a winning collaboration

Tecno Pack robotic packaging island.

Sarchio, since 1982 all the goodness of the organic, vegan and gluten-free nature meets the packaging technology of Tecno Pack.

Sarchio’s activity began almost 40 years ago in Carpi (Modena), with the aim of presenting healthy and natural, and, above all, appetizing food on the table every day. The far-sighted vision of Cesare Roberto, sole administrator, is from the outset to promote a lifestyle based on a proper diet based on organic food, grown without synthetic chemical substances, in full respect of the soil fertility, of human health and the environment.

A strong bond with the earth, which is also reflected in the chosen name: in fact, the term “sarchio” means hoe, a traditional tool that has been used by farmers for centuries. The first products are linked to the traditional cuisine: pasta, sauces, extra-virgin olive oil and other specialities of the Mediterranean diet. Over the years, Sarchio’s offer has expanded and specialized to respond to meet the different demands of consumers.

Always paying great attention to the nutritional value and beneficial effects on health, the typical foods of the Italian cuisine, still present in the Sarchio range, have been added with more innovative products such as bread substitutes, cereal and seed bars, chocolate, biscuits, crackers and bread-sticks, breakfast cereals dedicated to those who follow particular diets or have intolerances.

Currently, the offer includes over 150 organic products, including gluten-free and vegan specialities. A complete range, ideal for all those who want to make a healthy diet their lifestyle, with an artisan care in the production that starts from a careful selection of exclusively organic, wholemeal, unrefined and gluten-free raw materials.

Tecno Pack FP100E, new series of horizontal high-speed packaging machines.

Automated end-of-line

In 2017 Sarchio completes the historical headquarters in Via dei Barrocciai with a new structure, also in Carpi, in Via dei Trasporti 28. It covers more than 6000 sq.m. divided into three factories with 9 production lines, with departments dedicated exclusively to gluten-free products to guarantee their processing in maximum safety.

The decision to build a new “site” is linked both to the 2012 earthquake and the current positive trend. In fact, the damages suffered by the historical offices have for long time forced the employees to work in containers. While the more than positive trend made it necessary to invest in latest technology. In this regard, Sarchio turned to the Tecno Pack Group both for new automated end-of-line equipment and totally recyclable paper packaging. Following its ethical commitment to the environment of, in fact, for 2020 this Carpi-based company set itself the goal of minimizing the environmental impact of packaging materials of its products (more sustainable and 100% recyclable packaging).

Since 2012, the co-operation with Tecno Pack has enabled Sarchio to automatically produce and package all its products. Since the first meeting, Andrea Motta, Tecno Pack area manager, has been a reliable partner, able to evaluate and implement Sarchio projects in every detail, following their growth and evolution step by step. Today the goal has been reached, as demonstrated by the new packages that guarantee freshness, traceability, sustainability and protection of the product.