With its long experience in building self-adhesive labeling machines, STS Macchine Enologiche is now able to cover production ranging from 1000 to 12,000 bottles/h treating cylindrical and shaped containers. All machines have a stainless steel base, scratch- and corrosion- resistant aluminum painted parts and accident preventions according to EC safety standards. The labeling stations are equipped with stepper engine controlled by electronic cards with a microprocessor, to process bottles with diameters from 50 to 120 mm. Among the rotary labelers the Compact series outstands (see picture for S3T10/RI model) with an output from 5000 to 10,000 bottles/h. The three labeling stations allow applying labels, back and neck labels on separate films, but it is possible to add two more additional stations. The labeling stations, outside the base, are driven by stepper engines. The control system on three axes does not require tools, and has a position indicator for the adjustments of each bottle shape.