New draft standards for measuring the oxygen scavenging and oxygen transmission properties of packaging

Source: Fraunhofer IVV

The oxygen scavenging and oxygen transmission properties of packaging play a key role in determining the shelf-life of a product. So-called active packaging systems, which are able to absorb oxygen, are being increasingly used for optimal quality protection. To enable these active functions to be effectively characterized, two new draft standards have been prepared. The Fraunhofer Institute for Process Engineering and Packaging IVV made a significant contribution to this work. Ever greater use is being made of oxygen measurement via extinction of luminescence in order to characterize oxygen scavengers and to determine the oxygen transmission of packaging materials such as PET bottles and films. Fraunhofer IVV has been involved with the development of active packaging materials for many years. On the proposal of the institute and with the involvement of the Active Packaging / Oxygen Scavenger Subcommittee (NA 115-02-06 AA) of the Packaging Standards Committee (NAVp) of DIN, two draft standards have been prepared: E DIN 6139-2 ”Packaging – Oxygen scavengers for packaging applications – Part 2: Determination of the rate of reaction“ and E DIN 53380-5 ”Testing of plastics – Determination of gas transmission rate – Part 5: Optical method for plastic films and moulded plastic parts”. The research work carried out by Fraunhofer IVV for the new standards was undertaken in a project funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi). The drafts are available in German and can now be purchased in printed or electronic form from Beuth Verlag GmbH ( In the period from 8 November 2013 to 8 March 2014 the standards can be accessed free of charge and commented on via the draft standard portal of DIN ( All comments raised will be discussed by the working committee in a special meeting. The persons concerned will have the opportunity there to explain their opinions. For information please contact Sven Sängerlaub, Chairman of the Active Packaging/Oxygen Scavenger Subcommittee of DIN and a scientist at Fraunhofer IVV (