Industrial labelling machines: a 360° display of technology at Interpack 2014



Labelling technology will be present at this edition of Interpack also. In Pavilion 14, stand 14D09, P.E. Labellers and Packlab will show customers four different types of labelling machines, to meet the various market demands. From the most recent product from P.E. Labellers, the innovative MAYA model sleeve applicator, ideal for applying shrink sleeve labels on containers of any material, shape and size (the machine can be seen in operation at the stand), to roll-fed labelling machine ROLLMATIC; the versatility of the MODULAR labelling machine will also be on display. Packlab will present a linear self-adhesive labelling machine mod. WING REP FBW 60, with an edge: self-adhesive stations with adjustable axles and height-depth, motorised and controlled electronically from the LCD keypad on the adhesive unit, thanks to motors installed directly on the two axles. This configuration also allows for the adjustment of the automatic size change directly from the HMI panel (optional). This innovative labelling machine can be tried through a practical demonstration of the labelling phases, available during the fair.