ERP for the management of a food company

Automated production is the best strategy to reduce costs and improve competitiveness.

CSB-System is among the leading ERP providers for the all-round management of food companies and covers business processes according to international best practices.

Producers of bread and bakery products have different challenges to face than those in the dairy industry. Meat products follow a different supply chain from fruit and vegetables. While gastronomy companies deal with different procedures from fruit juice producers. But these companies have in common to ensure product traceability from “field to table”, manage customer and supplier data, purchase raw materials and components on the basis of stocks, sales orders and production plans, deal with packaging with label printing in different languages.

Could go on with picking, quality control, accounting, business intelligence, but the list would be very long. The CSB-System group has detailed knowledge of all branches of the food industry and has modelled its ERP withpre-configured solutions for each of them. With this ERP, the entire data flow is automated, and the processes are more transparent. As a complete and integrated ERP, CSB-System offers extended functionalities and does not require interfaces. Many customers have strategically implemented not only the basic package (purchasing, production, sales, warehouse) but also other available software modules, in order to take full advantage of the benefits of integrated software.

Modular expansion and easy update

CSB-System is modularly extendable, i.e. it grows with the company and its changing. Connecting a weighing line or tablets for taking orders from sales representatives, for example, will certainly not require the time and financial effort of a brand-new project and guarantees a higher success rate. For companies operating with subsidiaries in different countries, implementing and using the same software globally becomes a competitive advantage because it gives the company management centralised supervision of data and information.

And this also applies to small and medium-sized companies with growth potentials. CSB-System is a multilingual software already consolidated for global use. The CSB-System allows access to the system from both the internal and external network and can be installed either locally or in a cloud centre. A user with the necessary permissions can access both operational and statistical data on purchases, sales, articles, customers and suppliers, anywhere and at any time. In recent years, several CSB web solutions have been consolidated in the ERP.

Automated production is the best strategy to reduce costs and improve competitiveness.

Traceability without gaps

The MES application optimizes production processes from order entry to the finished product. The management involves the placement of orders, quantity and time feeds, and stock allocation, as well as direct connection to the machinery to obtain useful information for integrating production execution as well as control. The department heads identify a network, information and control points, so-called Critical Control Points to which they connect fixed locations such as CSB Racks, or any mobile devices for online and real-time data acquisition during the process.

Data are thus seamlessly entered and recorded in the CSB-System and become real information. All provenance and processing data are entered and transmitted to customers and external databases, such as fTrace, mynetfair or ATC. Working outside and inside the plant, anytime and anywhere, accessing all the information required to carry out the various supply chain processes: with CSB M-ERP, which works with both Windows and Android applications, it is possible.

Data are entered online and made available to the central ERP in a direct, mobile, flexible and efficient manner. With this solution for goods receipt, production, warehouse, picking and sales, processes more efficient. CSB-System, as the hub of data and processes, necessarily involved in every digitisation project, is essential for cost control and is ready for Industry 4.0.