ChemWell-T is a full automatic analyzer for enzymatic and biochemistry essays. Distributed by Astori Tecnica, it is supplied with optimized programmed protocols, ready for use with all Megazyme test kits for the wine sector. Reliable, precise and economical, it is specifically designed to meet the needs of lower throughput labs requiring high quality levels. The device can perform a maximum of 40 tests without intervention at up to 100 tests per hour. Other technical features are: typical reaction volume 250 μl, 5-well cuvette, maximum reaction volume 500 μl, weight 15 kg, dimensions 53x50x40 cm. The ChemWell 2910 model can handle up to 96 samples/test session, at a speed of 200 enzymatic tests per hour. This device allows the automatic Elisa kit analysis. Both models feature an easy and quick to handle software for the management of reagent mixtures, tests and results.