CFT Group latest deal with Patagonia Fresh


CFT Group is a key manufacturing reference in the South American market, which represents an extraordinary important area for the Fruit processing industry.

In January 2018, a complete line for fruits and tomatoes has been delivered to our customer Patagoniafresh, one of the largest apple juice concentrate processors in South America.

It has been 4 years since CFT Group started to design this project for the production of tomato paste and fruit puree: after many meetings and talks between technicians, engineers and sales manager, a full multifunctional line is finally up and running.

This new project sums up at best CFT Group’s innovations in the fruit processing industry and its commitment to meet all customer’s specific requirements.

Now Patagoniafresh can count on a complete line, from the unloading to the aseptic filling, able to obtain tomato paste by both Hot Break technology and Cold Break technology, as well as to produce apple, peach and pear natural purees as well as concentrates.

Let us discover the main features of the new complete line for fruits and tomatoes:

– The destoning takes place without the use of the standard destoning system containing rubber parts, since the “rubber free” concept of CFT’s Giubileo Concept is adopted.

– Enzyme inactivator designed to process at best the different types of products: Tomato HB, tomato CB and fruit puree.

-Anaerobic cold extraction of fruits followed by an ultra-rapid enzyme deactivation typical of the Zenith concept for the elimination of the enzymatic browning.

– Three effects, four stages evaporator with double stage finisher, which guarantees shorter product holding times thus reducing chemical browning.

For all the above reasons, the CFT line was able to produce an outstanding product compared to other systems in the market, especially in terms of color (up to value 62 Hunterlab L-value on peach concentrate) and consistency (up to 5-6 cm Bostwick). There is no doubt that this deal must be considered as a very important milestone for the long-lasting trade relationship between CFT Group and Patagoniafresh and as an essential product quality reference for the whole fruit concentrates industry.