The CM series produced by Senzani Brevetti includes vertical cartoners with different dosing systems: volumetric, by weight, by counting, by augers. Even the boxes can be shaped as flip-top, gable-top, trunked pyramid cartons, hexagonal cartons, cartons with windows, and fitted with different closures as tuck-in, labyrinth, and traditional. The speed can reach 140 cartons per minute, for carton sizes ranging from minimum 60x30x140 to maximum 330x120x370 mm. The bag-in-box version reaches a speed of 60 boxes per minute. The image shows Model CM4, a vertical 4-division-cartoner suitable for handling traditional packages (parallelepiped) and gable-top; the switching between carton type is extremely easy. It is suitable for packaging a variety of food products, such as confectionery and bakery goods (oatflakes); it can handle also flat blank cases. Moreover, it can handle 50 cartons per minute and features a volumetric product dosing system through adjustable cups.