Labels and containers



Pixartprinting‘s on-line showcase offers a wide selection of products meeting al packaging and labelling requirements. For label printing, for instance, the company recently opened a new division for small format printing at competitive prices. The equipment in use for this purpose consists in: two roll-fed Epson SurePress L-4033A printers enabling the use of 7 colours (one of them plus white); and a Sei Laser system for automatic cutting. The common denominator of the printed labels includes: print quality in six colours (CMYK+orange and green); variety of possible substrates; short delivery times. The customers can view on-line the full range, select their products, proceed directly to the guided purchase procedure, and order their labels by attaching the graphic file to be printed. To break down the barriers that continue to exist for certain categories of users, Pixartprinting developed the customer service, which can assist clients in their own language. An on-line chat service is available for assisting the users of the “web to print” while using the virtual showcase.