Preserving the content of bottles today is easier. With Extrasolution instruments measuring the gas permeability of containers and closures of any kind of material.
Estabalished in 2005, ExtraSolution stand out for its innovative solutions for barrier packaging. Thanks to the academic knowledge of its founders, today the company can offer instruments for permeability measurements in the beverage industry. This sector that increasingly poses specific demands on the quality of containers, is gaining in strategic importance for the packaging. Nobody can fail to respond to these demands, even because consumers are extremely attentive to the type of container and to the transfer of flavours to package contents. Different beverages with very different organoleptic properties require regular monitoring of specific parameters in order to guarantee an adequate shelf life. For this reason, ExtraSolution offers diversified solutions, which allow measurements according to the major reference regulations: DIN 53380-3 and ASTM F2622 for measuring O2TR, ASTM F1249 for measuring WVTR, ASTM F2476 for CO2TR.
CO2 content of bottles
The carbon dioxide content, of primary importance for carbonated drinks, can be tested with CarboPack BT, a tester that determines in a short time with a non-destructive test, the loss of carbon dioxide from a bottle. The instrument is fully automatic and offers high performances (resolution 0.0013-100 cm3/pkg 24h), while being extremely easy to use. It is able to perform a non-destructive test on a single bottle in extremely short time (about 1 hour) to know the amount of loss of carbon dioxide in a day. The device can perform both leakage (form the stopper) and gas permeation tests through the plastic material that constitutes the container. Furthermore, it displays the graphic results of the permeation test and shelf life forecasts.

One instrument, three measurements
Thanks to the different integrated sensors, TotalPerm can perform three barrier tests: oxygen (O2TR), water vapour (WVTR), carbon dioxide (CO2TR). The instrument offers high precision and extremely broad measurement range: 0.01-300000 cm3/(m2•24h•bar) for oxygen; 0.002-2000 g/(m2•24h) for water vapour; 0.25-360000 cm3/(m2•24h•bar) for carbon dioxide. The readings are fully automated; there is no need of any preliminary preparation of the sample. Besides performing permeability measures through thin films, TotalPerm can be equipped with modular accessories to carry out measurements on packaging containers of various types (PET bottles, corks and plastic closures, screw or crown caps, bag-in-the-box for beverages).
Simple operation
The special software ExtraSolution guarantees the highest working simplicity in laboratories, R&D and QC departments. In fact, it allows programming a list of tests on the sample which are then automatically run by the instrument. This function is very useful when used with multisensor instruments as TotalPerm. To test a film or package, the sample has to be placed into the test chamber, and then the operator can set all the measures that must be performed on that sample as instructed via a wizard: Gas, temperature and relative humidity can be selected at any analysis. They will be then sequentially performed automatically by the machine as set by the operator during the start-up stage. The instrument will go on working also at night, or during weekends, without deadtime, for overall cost saving in final results.