Altech presents ALsleeve, sleeve labeling machines with an automatically-operated systems designed to apply plastic, heat shrink sleeves to provide body decoration and/or effective tamper evident seals on caps and lids for food. Sleeves are obtained from a flat, continuous tubing made of heat shrinkable plastic material (PET, PVC, Polypropylene) wrapped in a roll, which is first cut at a programmable height (or at a specific mark) and then applied onto the product with a synchronised mechanism activated by a product tracing photocell. The unit cycle is controlled by a PLC, whose keyboard and display allow the operator to easily enter the operational parameters. It is equipped with a knife and a big unwind unit for rolls up to 400 mm of diameter and sleeves from 20 up to 150 mm lay flat (suitable for caps of 20 to 80 mm of diameter). As an option, sleeve machines can be fitted with a longitudinal perforation device, making it easier for the consumer to tear off the sleeve. The production speed up to 80 p/min is an interesting advantage, especially in relation to the extremely low price of the unit.