Biological plants as monoblocs


Built in a single cylindrical block with horizontal development, the Ecoblock of Depur Padana Acque are biological plants for the purification of water where the choice of the construction materials has greatly expanded over the years and includes the use of sandblasted steel painted with resin or stainless steel.

The plant can be divided into several compartments if necessary: Oxidation tank and sludge storage tank with technical compartment (on request) complete with general electrical control panel, blowers and/or compressors of ventilation, tanks of chemical reagents. In addition to these compartments, MBR plants have a chamber with flat or hollow fiber ultra-filtration membranes, which are performing on various types of wastewaters but especially on water from dairy processing.

The systems are modular, therefore upgradable with the insertion of additional blocks even after the first installation, and available in three configurations: SBR (Sequencing Batch Reactor), MBR (Membrane Bio Reactor), MBBR (Moving-Bed Biofilm Reactor). In special cases, they can also be supplemented with pre-treatment sections such as mechanical microfiltration or pH controlled chemical/physical clarification systems, with grease and sludge separation using floats and with sludge management systems such as centrifugal or screw press.

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