Simple environmental-friendly packaging


QUANTUMFrom Quantum Leap (QL), a company founded in 2010 with headquarters in Turin and Rome, and specialising in open innovation and technological scouting, the new world patent Bus. Result of the studies of an Italian researcher, this patent wants to revolutionize the industrial concept of packaging and the relevant production processes, favouring greater simplicity, lower environmental impact, and costs reduction. It is based on the mechanical constraints of geometric shapes, in order to firmly assemble boxes and other industrial products. The pack eliminates all junction devices (such as glues, tapes, screws, welds, etc.), and can be used in multiple configurations and sizes for a variety of products. In packaging, it simplifies processes and logistics by reducing plastic packaging components and favouring the use of paper/paper-board; it allows to increase the load on pallets while reducing volumes. Quantum Leap is exclusive representative in Italy of ICAP Patent Brokerage, US global leader in intellectual property and patents sales; next to the Bus patent, the company has exclusive access in Italy to a portfolio of 400 US patents per year. With a portfolio of more than 2000 technological patents and dozens of industrial design models, offered to the companies interested in innovation, but wishing to reduce R&D costs thanks to already patented and prototyped technologies.

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